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The Task


            The task of the project was to create the highest wing efficiency possible. The jobs our group had were design engineer, project manager, and test engineer. They were filled respectively by Branden Gee, Caleb Holmes, and Dylan Lusk. The design engineer was responsible for designing and building the wing. The project manager was responsible for the organization of the group, the wing design and building, and the design file. The test engineer was responsible for setting up the tests, procedures, and recording all of the results.


            The task involved designing, building, and testing a wing. The requirements for the wing's dimensions were that it must be less than 2 1/2 inches tall, less than 4 1/2 inches wide and 24 inches long. The materials involved in building the wing were limited. The group could only use newspaper, starch, and Elmer’s white glue. There also was a time schedule which all of the group needed to maintain. There was a time limit on each part of the project that included many challenges. The two main challenges being the design of the wing, and the time that it takes for the wing to dry. 
